

object.GetDetailMItem  bEnable

bEnable  - Specifies whether to enable / disable (e.g. 1 / 0) the GetDetails menu item  in the popup menu triggered from    the DB Browser pane.


Call this method to enable / disable the GetDetails menu item in the popup menu triggered from the DB Browser pane. So that the end-user will not be able to acquire detailed information about the internal structure of any database.


GetDetailMItem method returns True if operation was successful, otherwise False.

Note: If this method is never called, the GetDetails menu item is enabled by default.


This sample code illustates how within host application to prevent end user from viewing details of the object selected in Database Browser pane of ELS-QB control.

              Private Sub Form_Load()

' Some initalization code


ELS_QBCtrl.GetDetailMItem False


End Sub