
Syntax:             long DoCommand (long nCommand);

Return Value:   

Zero if the command has been executed successfully, otherwise non-zero.


nCommand  Identifies the ELS-QB component command to invoke (see Remarks).


The ELS-QB component supports following command IDs:

                        QB_CMD_UNDO                                   = 1,

                        QB_CMD_REDO                                   = 2,

                        QB_CMD_CUT                                      = 3,

                        QB_CMD_COPY                                   = 4,

                        QB_CMD_PASTE                                  = 5,

                        QB_CMD_SELECTALL                          = 6,

                        QB_CMD_FIND                                     = 7,

                        QB_CMD_REPLACE                             = 8,

                        QB_CMD_PRINT                                   = 9,

                        QB_CMD_PRINT_PREVIEW                  = 10,

                        QB_CMD_PAGE_SETUP                       = 11

Call this member function to execute the command specified by ELS-QB component command IDs.


Here is an exerpt from ELS_QBDemo project thah illustrates the usage of DoCommand() method of ELS-QB component.

            void CELS_QBDemoView::OnEditUndo()


  // This will trigger the Undo command on the SQL pane

