Running the Query and the Result tab

After creating a query via the Office-QB visual interface, the user may execute the query by clicking the blue arrow button in the toolbar on the right of the tabs, or use the Execute menu item under the Command menu or alternatively push the F8 short-key on the keyboard. When executing a query, the resulting records will be displayed in the Result tab-view. Note that in the case when a query needs a long time to execute, the arrow button becomes disabled and the red stop button becomes enabled, so that the user may interrupt the execution process. Therefore the execution process in the Office-QB is multi-threaded and asynchronous, with a fast response to halt the process whenever the user clicks the stop button.

Sometimes some queries require a long time to execute, for which the query timeout parameter needs to be changed. To change the query timeout parameter in Office-QB, from the Command menu select the Options menu item. This will display the Options dialog, where you can modify the query timeout parameter.